We had some great tartrate formation this year in the Gewurztraminer. Here it is starting to lift off the door when I started cleaning. It doesn't always come off this easily, usually it glues itself and only hot water and elbow grease get it off but sometimes you get lucky. Transitional art and easy clean up.
I also attended a Riesling tasting this month with other Oregon winemakers. I love it when I get the chance to sit down and taste what other people are doing and to hear how they are making it. I tasted a few beauties that I will definitely be looking for in a few months. We were tasting unbottled samples and many were still not filtered as well which does mean the wine will change before it is on the shelf but regardless there are some great 2012 Rieslings on the way. The feedback from my piers is invaluable as well as seeing/tasting how my own wine compares to others: is it drier, sweeter, bigger, more acidic, more delicate? What about fruit flavors or floral aromas? Some of the things I am looking at when I taste Riesling. Thanks to Penner-Ash Cellars for the lovely facility.
In the vineyard the crew has finished pruning and done most of the tying down. It looks like we might have pinot blanc this year too which would be exciting. Look at those happy grafts! I always like how tidy the vineyard looks after pruning and Riley thinks it's great for running. As my dad would say, the vines are all potential. Here's to a great growing year.