07 September 2010

What does the owner do while Elizabeth makes the wine?

Drink it is the obvious answer but there really is more to do.
Most states we sell in ( 12 ) have monthly reports.  The feds have bimonthly reports!  Bills always take up twice the amount of time as do deposits.  Today I am putting together the spray tank mix for the vineyard.  It includes food for the plants, protection to prevent powdery mildew, and a ripening agent to help Mother Nature during this cooler than normal summer.  Sebastian, our vineyard manager, is repairing our picking bins so hardward, plywood, and screws have been ordered and made available.
Over the weekend I ran the tasting room and served over 90 customers.  They liked what they tasted so I sold them wine as well!  Outdoor tastings are a hit so keeping the grounds looking fantastic requires weeding and landscape planning.  Today it is raining so my usual watering can be delayed!
The dogs need petting and the cat broke his leg so needs extra attention.
Life is good and it is almost time to sample, sample, sample!

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